Are you new here? You don't speak german yet? No problem! We have summarized all the important information for you on this page so that we can offer all our customers the best service. On this page we try to explain how to register at swb, how to handle your billing and much more. In addition, we explain how to use the translator function to display our homepage in your language in order to use our online service.
swb is the energy provider for Bremen and Bremerhaven. This information sheet gives you an overview of everything you need to know to allow us to supply you with electricity, natural gas and drinking water.
We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about your energy and drinking water supply at our swb customer service centres – from the registration process to annual billing.
You can register your own home with swb. Just visit one of the swb customer centres and bring the following documents with you or use our online service.
Make an appointment before you come to us.
Simply take a photo of your meter readings with your smartphone or write them down before you come to see us. We need these meter readings so we can bill you for your consumption each year.
Please make sure that the numbers on your meters look like those shown in the examples below. These meters are often installed in the cellars of buildings. Please contact your landlord if you are unsure which meter is the right one for your flat.
You will receive mail from us once you have registered with swb. The letter will include the contract confirmation, your customer number, details of your payments on account and the due dates for these amounts.
After three months, please visit us again in the swb customer centre with your latest meter readings. We will then check whether the monthly instalments correspond to your actual usage.
You will make monthly payments on account based on our calculation of your estimated consumption. Your usage will depend on the number of people in your household and your consumption habits. swb will prepare an annual statement once a year and determine whether the monthly instalments match up with your actual consumption.
There are then two possibilities:
You will make monthly payments on account to swb for your energy usage. The amount you are charged will depend on how much electricity you have used over the year. If you are a new customer, we will estimate your usage to begin with.
swb will send you an account statement each year. This will tell you whether you will be getting some money back (credit) or if you will have to pay extra (outstanding amount). It will also provide details of your new monthly payments on account.
If you give swb a direct debit authorisation (SEPA mandate), the monthly instalments will be debited from your account.
If your payment is not received on time, you will receive a reminder from swb a week after the due date. Your energy supply will be interrupted four weeks later if you fail to pay at this time.
Each swb meter has a number. This meter number is unique. We use it to identify the right meter for your consumption point.
swb requires your meter readings for annual billing purposes. A member of staff from swb will visit your home to take these readings. Alternatively, you will receive a card from us in the post. Please enter your meter reading onto this card and send it back to us.
Your use of electricity, natural gas and heating is calculated in kilowatt-hours (kWh), whereas your water consumption in stated in cubic metres (m3).
swb has a wide range of energy products. If you register with us, we will be more than happy to offer you the right product for your needs.